Triton 2024 - 2025
Mrs Green
Welcome to Triton's Class Page!
We are so excited for all the fun and learning we are going to have this year. On here, you'll find snippets of information such as: staff working in our class; all the things we will be learning across the year; and a link to our class Twitter account. Make sure you follow us so that you can see pictures and videos of all the fun we get up to!
Grown-ups in our classroom:
Class Teacher:
Mrs Green
Class Teaching Assistants:
Miss Jones
Miss Pleavin
Our Curriculum:
Helpful Information:
Our PE day is on a Thursday so children can come into school wearing their kit on this day.
A reminder that when children attend a sports-based after school club, they are allowed to come in wearing kit too.
Reading books will come home every day and children are exected to read at home, daily. Children are able to change their books as and when they require Please take the time to read and explore these books in lots of detail to support your child with all reading and comprehension skills. Reading books and records should be brought to school every day so that we can read in school too!
Lastly, Feel Good Fridays are always own clothes days!
Class Twitter Page:
Don't forget to give us a follow!