Hyperion 2024 - 2025
Mrs Wright
Welcome to Hyperion's class page!
Hello and welcome! You have found your way to the Hyperion class page. On here you'll find key information about our Year 6 classroom, the teachers wgo work in here and the learning that goes on in there across each term. You will also find a link to our class twitter page. Make sure you give us a follow
Important Classroom Info:
Children in year 6 are expected in class for 8:50am ready for learning. Make sure you grab a bagel before coming up to classroom.
We will use our first half an hour of the day to complete the register, order our lunch (very important), have time to complete reading plus activities, teachers may listen to individual readers or work with small groups.
The rest of the morning will include whole class reading sessions, writing, spelling and maths. we try to keep to the same timetable each day but there may be occasions where we might need to change our timetable.
PE will be taught on a Thursday afternoon, so please make sure that the class come in dressed appropriately - they can wear their PE kits/sportswear to school and for any sports clubs.
Grown ups working in Hyperion:
Mrs Wright (Class teacher)
Mrs Luff (Class TA)
Miss R Jones on a Wednesday morning
Miss Kural PE
Miss Pleavin (selected children Mon-Thurs)
Please see our curriculum overview to see what will be learning each half term.
Twitter Page
.Hyperion class page - link here
Home Learning
Here are some links to websites that the children can access at home to support their learning. As we explore more of these in class, I'll add the ones we find most useful/enjoyable to the page and try to keep it updated!
Times Table Rockstars (Individual login)
Reading Plus (Individual login)
Foundation Subjects